"Who should I give my love to..
My respect n my honour to,
Who should I pay good mind to
After allah n rasulullah..
comes ur mother,
who next u mother, who next urmother,
N then ur father.."
Why?? Nyanyi smpai hbis, then u'll know the answer. ^^,
Haa!! Entry “who should I give my love t0” mesti dlm “head
brain” olls ingat should be love story ehem2 kan! Kantoii!! Hahaha.. yg tue
next3 entry la, Ops! ^^,
EMAK? IBU? Y??. Ranking ke
3 after Allah n Rasulullah SAW.. Mulia sungguh kan ibu! She’s very close to us. Dis
is true story:
There was a girl: She's a gud gurl. Die suke duk umah, buat keje umah. but one of her bad attitude is she suke mnjwb ckp
emak, hati die sgt keras, masyaAllah. She had lower boiling point, n her mum
like others, suke noo membebel, babbling n seangkatan dgnnye. Till stu tahap, her mum slalu
ckp, “Apela nk jdi ngan ko nie. Derhaka, melawan ckp mak, agaknye bile mak tua nt ko
hntar mak pegi umah org tua.” Mse tue she felt nothing, yg ade rse annoying.
The turning point happened bile die masuk mrsm, sterusnya
matriks n soo onn. Jauh drpd rumah n of cos emak. Bile kehilangan emak secara*sementara*,
n aspek2 kerohanian yg die dpt mse duduk di institute2 nie byk ubah die. She felt
hati jdi makin lembut, n the gud thing was she started to appreciate emak, learned how
to love a mum n she tried untuk x melawan ckp mak. Subhanallah, Allah beri kesempatan
utk merasai nikmatnya.
Since then, after every solat, one of Du’a she recites is, “Ya Allah, Kau ampunilah
dosa2 ku, kedua ibu bapa ku. Kau lembutkanlah hati kami untuk sujud
kepadaMU. Kau berilah kami kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Kau jadikanlah aku
anak yg baik, yg menyejukkan hati dan
membahagiakan kedua ibu bapaku.”
Allah maha mendengar.. Bile mak ade masalah nk ngadu, she
was one of the calon2nye yg dicari *walopun sbg agen top up kdg2,hehe*, she's so
grateful instead of rase susah krn Allah membukakn hati mak utk memilih die sbg
peneman dan penenang hatinya. Sometimes she cried since she felt she couldn’t
help much. Sentiasa di hatinya, “semoga Allah memberi kesempatan kpdku untuk menjadi anak yg
Psst2! Dlm diam2, doanye juge “Semoga Allah kurniakan ak
seorang suami yg menyanyangi ibu bapaku sbgmana dia menyayangi ibu bapanya..”
To olls darlings, Jom kt sama2 recheck bagaimana kt dgn mak, abah, let’s
perindahkan sayang terhdp mak dan abah yee.. =)
"SyurGa BaWah TapAk Kaki IbU”
Check List for Us:
1. Dlm
sehari, adakah kita mengingati emak abah kita more than our bf/gf?
2. Bila
emak lama x telefon, did we feel curious and worries mcm kt risau konon2nye kat
bf/gf kt?
3. Klau
kt slalu tny kat bgf, awk dh mkn? Then adakah kt tny mak kt, “mak abah dh mkn? Mkn
4. Did
we call our mak n abah everytime before we call our beloved bf/gf ??*bukan kol
sbb x ckup duit belanje yeee*huhu
5. enough for dis time! ^^,
~~For Us, U n I~ <3
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